Πέμπτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2009
Unleashing the Power - Tony Robbins
Marc Figueroa December 2, 2008
Tony Robbins has coached U.S. presidents, Fortune 500 CEOs, sports and entertainment superstars—all seeking strategies to reach the next level in their lives and careers. People often call upon Robbins to help remove barriers holding them back and to inspire them to take action. This master motivator is equally adept at keeping a crowd of 10,000 people on its feet for hours. He's also addressed the World Economic Forum, British Parliament and Harvard Business School.
Robbins' message goes beyond positive thinking; intelligent thinking is what drives him. He understands that when people are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and fearful, they're rarely capable of brilliant analysis and decision-making.
"Confidence and competence is not the same thing," Robbins tells SUCCESS, following his return from a recent seminar tour through Australia and India. "No one should go into their garden and chant, "There are no weeds. There are no weeds. There are no weeds." For people to be true leaders, they have to first see things as they are, not worse. Then see it better than it is, and then make it the way you see it.
"The bottom line is that people have within them a force that is so powerful, there is nothing that can keep them from doing, being, sharing, creating and giving whatever they envision in life," Robbins continues. "My entire life is helping people unleash that power. Nothing drives me more than to see someone or an organization transform and begin to pursue goals with a purpose that inspires them, and gives them a greater sense of meaning—in not only what they do, but who they are."
Harnessing Emotion to Fuel Change
As economic uncertainty continues to shake Wall Street and Main Street, many success-minded professionals are being put to the test. Robbins' work is particularly relevant now, when people can call on his tools to keep their heads together and develop what he calls "emotional fitness."
"If you're psychologically strong enough, you can not only survive, but you can thrive when tough situations occur, as opposed to letting the environment control you and take over," he says. "It's really about mastering strength within yourself so that you can conquer the outer world around you."
Robbins continues to attract thousands of people to packed arenas all over the world, seeking to take their lives to the next level. The human spirit is what inspires him. Human potential actualized is what drives him.
But momentum wasn't always on his side. The 48-year-old Robbins vividly remembers the days when he was living in a stark, 400-square-foot apartment in Venice, Calif., and reduced to washing dishes in the bathtub. He was 30 pounds overweight, had a dead-end job, and in relationships that weren't working.
"I was extremely unhappy and couldn't stand who I was because I knew I had the potential to be so much more," he says. "I think there are many people who can relate to what I was experiencing—the pain of being in a rut and feeling like there's no way out.
"There are many people who live in what I call 'No-man's Land,' a place where you're not really happy, but you're not unhappy enough to do anything about it," he says. "That's a dangerous place. It's a place where people numb themselves to their dreams. It's where they dismiss hope and accept what's in front of them instead of driving toward what they really want in life. I lived there for a time, but I eventually hit rock bottom, and I'm glad I did because it forced me to take action. My only option for survival was to dig deep—to summon my courage, determination, faith, compassion and commitment to transform my life. I learned so much from that experience because I used those negative feelings to fuel my change. For me, I had no choice. I had to change."
Breaking Through Limitations
That change has resulted in big business for Robbins, who serves as chairman of five companies all geared toward his creed of improving the quality of life for people around the world. Robbins Research International Inc., based in San Diego, stages more than 100 events a year, offers professional coaching services and a variety of multimedia programs, including his best-selling The Ultimate Edge and Personal Power CD programs, which have sold more than 35 million units worldwide. He also created the award-winning Namale Resort and Spa in Fiji, where he also spends a few months each year.
But none of the success he enjoys would ever have happened if he hadn't been able to find a way to break through his own limitations. He had to get clear about what he really wanted and harness the fuel of human emotion to force himself to consistently take action to make his dreams a reality. "I was my first client," he says.
Robbins has worked directly with more than 3.5 million people from more than 100 countries. And he's as active as ever, often spending more than 15 hours on stage per day for a four-day event. That may sound crazy to some, but for Robbins, it's just another day at the office.
"I'm obsessed with finding what makes the difference in the quality of people's lives," Robbins says, "I'm always reading, interviewing extraordinary individuals, studying their patterns and experimenting on how to integrate what I've learned to make a difference in peoples' lives. The energy that comes from connecting and helping to make a difference with thousands of people at once, or one-on-one, is the juice of life for me. When you're giving everything you have and those you're working with are throwing it back at you five times as hard, it's absolutely incredible. It's an extraordinary experience, so powerful that I get swept up in those magical moments. Sometimes I come off stage and I think it's 8 at night, and I'm reminded that it's 1 o'clock in the morning."
His business of helping others help themselves didn't grow overnight. When he started 30 years ago, Robbins was a pioneer in personal and professional development—which is a $10 billion industry today. Along the way, Robbins says he probably failed more times than he succeeded. But he looks at failures simply as results or outcomes that he learns from each time.
Science of Achievement
"Unfortunately, we're programmed to fear this thing called 'failure,' so we try everything we can to avoid it, which is pointless," he says. "Failure is often necessary for real learning to occur. But the answer is simple. If you didn't get the results you want, learn from the experience so that you have references about how to make better decisions the next time around. People who fear failure internalize their mistakes, and when they try to go after something in the future, they might think, "Well, I tried to go after a dream before and look what happened." This is what keeps people from taking the very action that could move them to accomplish their goals. Too many people want to avoid any hint of a problem. But overcoming obstacles is what gives us psychological strength—it's the very thing that forms character."
Over the years, Robbins has noticed patterns in what makes people succeed or fail, what makes them feel happy or sad, and what it is that creates a life of meaning and fulfillment versus a life of frustration and despair. He saw it early on in his own life, and he sees it in the people he spends time with today—whether it's a hungry entrepreneur, a seasoned corporate executive or a mid-level manager.
"I can tell you, after working with millions of people for more than three decades, success is no accident in any environment," Robbins says. "There are rules of the game that, if followed, will lead to consistent success. There are logical patterns of action, and specific pathways to excellence that I call the science of achievement. But none of that means much without the art of fulfillment. I have seen business moguls achieve their ultimate goals but still live in frustration, worry and fear. What's preventing these successful people from being happy? The answer is they have focused only on achievement and not fulfillment. Extraordinary accomplishment does not guarantee extraordinary joy, happiness, love and a sense of meaning. These two skill sets feed off each other, and makes me believe that success without fulfillment is failure."
The father of life coaching answers some questions about failure and success, and everything in between.
Q: How did you go from living in a small apartment, practically broke, to the successful and fulfilled person you are today?
Anthony Robbins: I took advantage of my intense pain, and I turned it into the fuel for action. When you're living in a 400-square-foot bachelor apartment, cooking on a hotplate above your trash can and washing your dishes in the bathtub, you have to start looking at yourself. On top of that I was 30 pounds overweight, had a job that was going nowhere, and I was in relationships I hated. What changed me? I had a series of experiences with frustration at myself, and moved into unbelievable humiliation. I began to realize that who I was as a man—how I was living mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially—was far less of a man than who I really was inside. When I hit that threshold of pain, I didn't know at the time what I was doing, but I decided at the very minimum I was going to go on a run.
You have to understand; I hadn't run or exercised intensely for probably three years. But at the peak of that physical intensity, my nervous system was wired. I had made radical changes in my body. So I grabbed a journal there on the beach, drew a line in the middle of the page, and on one side wrote everything I would no longer stand for in my life, which was virtually everything I was living at the time. And on the other side I wrote everything I was now committed to. But I didn't yet know how I was going to make the change. I knew what I was going to change and why. This is the day that I turned my life around. It unleashed me. I began to search for the answers, but instead of just reading about them, or hearing them, I began to apply them. And I changed everything in my life. I lost 30 pounds in a little more than 30 days. I transformed emotionally, physically, spiritually and financially. Within a year, I had begun to live the dreams that I once thought were impossible. I'd tell anyone that if you're going to change your life, you have to:
1. Decide what you will no longer stand for and what you'?re committed to. Clarity is power.
2. Take massive action. You have to be willing to do the things you don't want to do. You have to build a momentum that consistent action produces.
3. Notice what's working and what's not working. And when it's not working, change your approach. And keep changing until you finally achieve what it is you're committed to.
Q: You talk about people living an extraordinary life. What is your definition of an extraordinary life?
AR: I think the answer is different for everyone. Ultimately, an extraordinary life is life on your terms. For some people it might be creating their own business or starting a nonprofit foundation. For others it may be making several million dollars. For someone else it might be the ultimate satisfaction of raising a son or daughter to be an extraordinary soul. It could be creating a garden, writing a poem or just truly enjoying every breath of life. I think the most important thing is for you to defi ne what would be an extraordinary life for you today because it changes as our lives change. We don't want to be living off an old script. Otherwise, you may fi nd yourself with one of those insane moments where you actually achieved your goal and then your brain says, 'Is this all there is' There's no worse feeling in life. Take a moment to update your wish list and ask yourself, 'If my life was truly extraordinary, if it was magnificent, by my own definition, what would my life be like today: physically, emotionally, with my family, in my career, in my level of happiness?' Set the standard for yourself so your brain, body and soul know what you're committed to creating.
For me personally, an extraordinary life is living what you were made for. For me, that means, first of all, giving and sharing love, and I'm truly blessed to have that kind of love in my relationship with my wife, Sage. But an extraordinary life for me is also finding a way to make a difference for others to grow and love. The driving force in my life is to help make a measurable difference in the quality of life for people everywhere. It is my greatest joy to share the tools and strategies for creating a life of meaning and fulfillment. Nothing stokes me more than to see someone or an organization transform and begin to pursue goals with a purpose that inspires them, and gives them a greater sense of meaning—in not only what they do, but who they are.
Q: How have you learned from your past setbacks and failures?
AR: Like most people, I've had as many, if not more failures than successes. But what's been helpful is that I've worked hard to learn from these mistakes so I don't have to repeat them. I realized along the way that if we can learn from our mistakes, we can create shortcuts that can help us to make a measurable difference for other people in their lives. When you recognize a pattern for failure, you can avoid it. And when you recognize a pattern for success, you can take the on-ramp for what you want much more quickly. I call these 'Pathways to Power.' And my life is truly about sharing those strategies, those pathways, those shortcuts that allow us to save ourselves time and pain. Ultimately, what I've learned, though, is that life is not about success or failure; it's about meaning. It's about the interpretation we give to each event in our life—and not the event itself. Meanings are shaped by what we believe and what we value.
Just remember, two people can have the same circumstances, but they pull different meanings from it, and therefore a different set of emotions, actions, and a different life.
Q: You are sometimes referred to as a motivational speaker. Is that an accurate description?
AR: My work has never been about motivation. It's true that when people see news coverage of my seminars they see 10,000 people jumping or celebrating. I just understand that in order to get peak performance, you have to get people in a peak state. What we do is based on the state we're in. And training people's minds and bodies to be at their best is exciting and rewarding.
But ultimately, who I really am is the 'Why' guy. If somebody says to me, 'I don't need any motivation,' I'll say, 'That's obvious. You're already motivated. What I want to know is: What is your motive for action? I want to know, for example, why you claim that you want to lose weight, yet each day, you seem to be motivated to eat things that cause you to gain weight.' The ultimate question is 'Why?' And when you can answer this question, you can change your life forever. Part of my job is to help people uncover the inner conflicts that hold them back, to find the conflicts in their motivations. When you can uncover these conflicts and shift them, you can change anything in your life.
Q: It seems there's more uncertainty in the world now than ever. What do you say to people who are uncertain about their future?
AR: It's true the world has changed dramatically over the last few years, and it's going to continue to change. The pace of change is more rapid than ever. But one thing is constant—there are seasons in everyone's life just as there are seasons in nature. There's a passageway that, if you see it, it will pull you out of the uncertainty and guide you on how to maximize this time in your life. The transformation of the quality of life for early humanity came when seasons were recognized. Until then, man had to wander as a hunter and gatherer, moving from place to place. But once we understood the seasons, we knew when to plant, when to protect, when to reap. And man could have roots. He could have sustainability. He could have certainty for his future.
These kinds of seasons not only shape our personal lives, but there are seasons in history as well. Every 100 years has roughly four primary seasons in it. If you're a student of history, you know there are economic cycles, and cycles of war. You think things are tough today? If you were born in 1910, what was happening in the world by the time you were 19 years old? It was 1929 and the Great Depression occurred. In the next major cycle in life, around 29 years old, World War II broke out. And yet this generation faced these incredible challenges—this financial, emotional and international winter if you would—and by fighting through it, they built a psychological and emotional muscle that makes us still call them the 'Great Generation.'
The secret to life is threefold. It's to understand what season of life you're in, to understand what season the world is in, and to figure out how to take advantage of it. I teach everyone in my seminars how to find the season they're in, which is different for everyone, and to take advantage of it. That's the secret to experiencing an extraordinary life.
Τρίτη 15 Δεκεμβρίου 2009
Άντρες παντρεμένοι με έξυπνες γυναίκες ζουν περισσότερο!
Σουηδοί επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν ότι η μακροζωία και η καλή υγεία δεν σχετίζονται σε καμία περίπτωση με την εκπαίδευση του άντρα, σχετίζονται όμως άμεσα με την εκπαίδευση της γυναίκας του.
Παρά το γεγονός ότι όλοι οι άντρες νομίζουμε ότι οι εξυπνάδα μας είναι αρκετή για μας, για τη γυναίκα μας και περισσεύει, η επιστημονική έρευνα δηλώνει ότι η υγεία και η μακροζωία μας δεν εξαρτάται από τη δική μας ευφυΐα ή εκπαίδευση αλλά από αυτή της γυναίκας μας!
Όσο μεγάλο κι αν είναι το πλήγμα στον εγωισμό μας, μελέτη που δημοσιεύτηκε στο Αγγλικό επιστημονικό περιοδικό "Επιδημιολογία και Δημόσια Υγεία", αναφέρει ότι για τους άντρες, η εκπαίδευση της συζύγου είναι πιο σημαντική, όσον αφορά στη θνησιμότητα, από ότι η δίκη τους εκπαίδευση.
Το εύρημα αυτό, υποθέτουν οι επιστήμονες, πιθανά να οφείλεται στην ικανότητα των γυναικών να διαχειρίζονται και να δίνουν πληροφορίες που αφορούν έναν υγιεινό τρόπο ζωής και να βοηθούν στη καθημερινή εφαρμογή του. Οι μορφωμένες γυναίκες είναι πιο πιθανό να μοιράζονται και να μεταφέρουν καλές συνήθειες όσον αφορά στο τρόπο ζωής.
Αυτές οι συνήθειες θα μπορούσαν να περιλαμβάνουν υγιεινές επιλογές στη διατροφή, άσκηση και αποφυγή των παραγόντων κινδύνου.
Πιστεύω όμως ότι τα θετικά αυτά αποτελέσματα δεν οφείλονται μόνο στις επιλογές που αφορούν έναν υγιεινό τρόπο ζωής. Ζούμε σε μια εποχή που αυτό που βάλλεται περισσότερο πέρα από την υγεία μας, είναι η κοινή λογική.
Ο μέσος άνθρωπος βομβαρδίζεται συνέχεια από αρνητικές ειδήσεις που καλλιεργούν ένα περιβάλλον τρόμου. Η ικανότητα να μπορέσει κανείς να φιλτράρει και να κατανοήσει τι πραγματικά συμβαίνει γύρω μας, είναι ζωτικής σημασίας.
Ο καθένας από εμάς είναι υπεύθυνος στο να δημιουργήσει ένα πνευματικά υγιές περιβάλλον γύρω του και όπως και να το κάνουμε οι γυναίκες έχουν πάντα τον τελευταίο λόγο.
Δύο άτομα μαζί έχουν περισσότερες πιθανότητες να επιβιώσουν, στηρίζοντας ο ένας τον άλλο από ότι θα είχαν ο καθένας μόνος του. Αυτό πέρα από τη κοινή λογική στηρίζεται και από μελέτες όπου δείχνουν ότι οι παντρεμένοι ζουν περισσότερο.
Πολλές φορές τα μικρότερα ή μεγαλύτερα προβλήματα της καθημερινότητας μας κάνουν να ξεχνάμε να πούμε στο σύντροφο μας μια καλή κουβέντα ή να κάνουμε ένα μικρό δώρο που έχει όμως πολύ μεγάλη συναισθηματική αξία.
Είναι στο χέρι μας να αψηφήσουμε τη συνεχόμενη κινδυνολογία, να δώσουμε περισσότερη προσοχή στα καλά πράγματα που έχουμε και υπάρχουν γύρω μας και να ζήσουμε μια μακρά, χαρούμενη και υγιή ζωή.
Στην Υγειάς Σας!
Dr. Δημήτρης Τσουκαλάς
Πρόεδρος Detox Centers Int.
Διδάκτωρ Πανεπιστημίου UNI.NA. Federico II
American Obesity Society
American Academy of Detoxification Specialists
Giving by Zig Ziglar
Marian Anderson got her start by scrubbing floors for 10 cents an hour so that she could buy a pawnshop violin. The church she attended recognized her rare talent and raised money for a professional voice teacher to work with her. When the teacher pronounced her ready, she went to New York where critics crucified her. She returned home to regroup. Her mother and her church encouraged her and paid for more lessons.
Because of the intense racial prejudice in America, she went to Europe and took the continent by storm. She came back to America and sang at the Lincoln Memorial with more than 60,000 people in attendance. She sang �O Mia Fernando,� �Ave Maria,� �Gospel Train,� and �My Soul Is Anchored in the Lord,� among other songs.
One day a reporter asked Marian what the most satisfying moment in her life was. Without hesitation, she responded that (it was) when she was able to tell her mother that she did not have to take in any more washing. The reporter asked, �What did your mother give you?�
Marian Anderson responded, �Everything she had.�
That�s greatness, and giving everything we have is our key to greatness.
Reproduced with permission from Jim Rohn's Weekly Newsletter. To subscribe, go to www.JimRohn.com All contents Copyright © JimRohn.com except where indicated otherwise. All rights reserved worldwide.
Πέμπτη 10 Δεκεμβρίου 2009
"Αν " του Κίπλινγκ Ελεύθερη απόδοση Γιάννης Βάσος
να περιφρονείς τον πλούτο
κι αν οι έπαινοι τριγύρω
δε σου αλλάζουν το μυαλό...
Αν μπορείς στην τρικυμία
να κρατήσεις ψυχραιμία
κι αν μπορείς και στους εχθρούς
σου ν'απαντάς με το καλό...
Αν μπορείς με μιας να δώσεις
κάθε τι που΄χεις κερδίσει
στην καταστροφή ν'αντέξεις
και να βρείς μια νέα λύση...
Αν μπορείς να πειθαρχήσεις
σώμα,πνεύμα και καρδιά,
αν μπορείς όταν σε θίγουν
να κρατάς σιωπή βαθιά...
Αν μπορείς στην καταιγίδα
να΄χεις πάντα την ελπίδα
κι΄αν μπορείς να συνεχίσεις
κι'όταν σ΄έχουν αδικήσει...
Αν μπορέσεις τ'όνειρό σου
να μην γίνει ο χαλασμός σου
κι αν αγάπη σύ προσφέρεις
σ΄όσους σε έχουνε μισήσει...
Αν μπορείς να μείνεις ίδιος
στην χαρά μα και στη λύπη
κι αν η πίστη στο εγώ σου
μπρός σε τίποτα δε σβύνει...
Αν μιλώντας με τα πλήθη
την συνείδηση δεν χάνεις
κι αν μπορέσεις να πιστέψεις
πως μια μέρα θα πεθάνεις...
Αν ποτέ δεν σε ζαλίσει
του θριάμβου το κρασί,
κι αν σε ψέματα των άλλων
δε λες ψέματα και σύ...
Αν μπορείς με ψυχραμία
δίχως νεύρα ή δυσφορία
και τα ίδια σου τα λόγια
να τ'ακούς παραλλαγμένα...
Αν μπορείς κάθε στιγμή σου
να'ναι μια δημιουργία
και ποτέ σου να μη δείχνεις
τεμπελιά και αδιαφορία...
Αν οι φίλοι κι οι εχθροί σου
δεν μπορούν να σε πληγώσουν
κι αν οι σχέσεις με μεγάλους
τα μυαλά δε σου φουσκώσουν...
Αν τους γύρω λογαριάζεις
μα κανένα χωριστά,
κι αν μπορέσεις να κρατήσεις
και τα ξένα μυστικά...
Εμ...παιδί μου, μ΄όλα αυτά
θα μπορέσεις να τη ζήσεις
όπως πρέπει τη ζωή
θα 'σαι ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΣ σπουδαίος
και κυρίαρχος στην Γη!...
Link: http://endlesslifejourney.blogspot.com/2009/12/blog-post_08.html
Τετάρτη 9 Δεκεμβρίου 2009
Η βιταμίνη C δεν είναι Βιταμίνη!
Dr. Δημήτρης Τσουκαλάς
Η βιταμίνη C είναι το πρώτο πράγμα που μας έρχεται στο μυαλό όταν μιλάμε για αντιοξειδωτικά και ενίσχυση του ανοσοποιητικού από το κοινό κρυολόγημα και τη γρίπη.
Ο φετινός χειμώνας χαρακτηρίζεται από τη Nέα Γρίπη και τα παραπάνω λαμβάνουν ιδιαίτερη αξία μέσα από το πρίσμα πρόσφατης έρευνας που ανακάλυψε ότι τα αντιοξειδωτικά είναι η αχίλλειος πτέρνα του ιού της νέας γρίπης.
Η βιταμίνη C είναι ένα ζωτικής σημασίας αντιοξειδωτικό. Είναι σημαντικό να ξέρουμε τι ακριβώς είναι και υπό ποιες συνθήκες μπορεί να μας βοηθήσει να είμαστε υγιείς.
Ασκορβικό οξύ είναι η επιστημονική ονομασία της ένωσης που κοινά γνωρίζουμε ως βιταμίνη C. Προέρχεται από το στερητικό (α-) και τη λέξη σκορβούτο, τη νόσο που προκαλείται από την πλήρη έλλειψη βιταμίνης C.
Πριν δύο χρόνια, ο John T. Ely, καθηγητής του Πανεπιστημίου της Ουάσινγκτον, με σημαντικό ερευνητικό έργο στις φυσικές επιστήμες και στην ιατρική, δημοσίευσε μια μελέτη σχετικά με τη χρήση του ασκορβικού οξέος στην επικείμενη τότε πανδημία της γρίπης των πτηνών.
Στη συγκεκριμένη μελέτη ο Ely αναφέρει ότι το ασκορβικό οξύ ΕΣΦΑΛΜΕΝΑ αναφέρεται ως βιταμίνη. Βιταμίνη ορίζεται μια ουσία η οποία είναι απαραίτητη σε ελάχιστες ποσότητες, στον οργανισμό, για την επίτευξη καλής υγείας.
Αντιθέτως το ασκορβικό οξύ, είναι ένα θρεπτικό συστατικό που σύμφωνα με το συγγραφέα και άλλους ερευνητές, είναι απαραίτητο σε ποσότητα αρκετών γραμμαρίων καθημερινά (τουλάχιστον πέντε). Ο όρος βιταμίνη C επικράτησε και χρησιμοποιήθηκε για λόγους επικοινωνιακής ευκολίας ακόμη και από κορυφαίους ερευνητές όπως ο νομπελίστας Linus Pauling.
Η λάθος αυτή ονομασία συνεισέφερε στη σύγχυση που δημιουργήθηκε σχετικά με το ασκορβικό οξύ. Το ασκορβικό οξύ είναι από τα πιο σημαντικά μόρια για την λειτουργία του ανθρώπινου οργανισμού. Για την πραγματοποίηση χιλιάδων αντιδράσεων, καθημερινά μέσα στο σώμα μας, είναι απαραίτητα αρκετά γραμμάρια.
Τα περισσότερα ζώα και θηλαστικά στον πλανήτη μας συνθέτουν ασκορβικό οξύ μέσα στο σώμα τους. Ο άνθρωπος είναι από τα λίγα εκείνα θηλαστικά που δεν μπορούν να το συνθέσουν και πρέπει να το λάβουν από τη διατροφή τους. Εκατομμύρια χρόνια πριν το ασκορβικό οξύ αφθονούσε στη φύση. Η απελευθέρωση από τη σύνθεση του, ήταν ένα γενετικό πλεονέκτημα και επέτρεψε στον άνθρωπο να εξελιχθεί βιολογικά.
Άλλα θηλαστικά παράγουν, υπό κανονικές συνθήκες 5 γραμμάρια “βιταμίνης” C την ημέρα. Σε συνθήκες στρες (πόνος, φόβος, αρρώστια) η παραγωγή της μπορεί να αυξηθεί μέχρι και 100 φορές!
Έχει βρεθεί από ερευνητές ότι αυτή η ποσότητα είναι απαραίτητη για την επίτευξη βέλτιστης υγείας, για την επιβράδυνση του γήρατος και για την ενίσχυση της αντίστασης του οργανισμού σε πολλά νοσήματα, ιδιαίτερα στη γρίπη και άλλες λοιμώξεις.
Στο σημερινό περιβάλλον η ανάγκη για «βιταμίνη» C έχει αυξηθεί σημαντικά εξαιτίας της αυξημένης οξείδωσης. Βιομηχανικά χημικά, βαρέα μέταλλα, συντηρητικά στις τροφές, ατμοσφαιρική ρύπανση δημιουργούν συνθήκες αυξημένου οξειδωτικού στρες.
Περιεκτικότητα τροφών σε Ασκορβικό Οξύ
Τροφή mg/100 gr τροφής
Μαύρη σταφίδα
Κόκκινη πιπεριά
Λαχανάκια Βρυξελών 80
Πράσινη πιπεριά
Χυμός πορτοκάλι
Παράλληλα η πρόσληψη του ασκορβικού οξέος ("βιταμίνη" C) από τις τροφές έχει μειωθεί σημαντικά. Σύμφωνα με το Υπουργείο Γεωργίας των ΗΠΑ, χρειαζόμαστε 10 μερίδες λαχανικών για να προσλάβουμε την ποσότητα θρεπτικών συστατικών που παίρναμε από μια μερίδα πενήντα χρόνια πριν.
Όπως μας δείχνουν πρόσφατες μελέτες είναι ζωτικής σημασίας η καλή λειτουργία των αντιοξειδωτικών μηχανισμών για να μπορέσει το σώμα μας να αντιμετωπίσει και να μειώσει τη πιθανότητα επιπλοκών από τη νέα γρίπη.
Η «βιταμίνη» C είναι πολύ σημαντικό βήμα στο δρόμο για την επίτευξη καλής υγείας.
Στην Υειάς Σας!
Dr. Δημήτρης Τσουκαλάς
Γεν. Δ/ντης Detox Center
Διδάκτωρ Πανεπιστημίου UNI.NA. Federico II
American Obesity Society
American Academy of Detoxification Specialists
Μάθε πόσο υγιής είσαι.
Συμπλήρωσε το τεστ υγείας ...
Science Daily
Experimental Biology Chatterjee IB, Majumder AK, Nandi BK, Subramanian N.
Synthesis and some major functions of vitamin C in animals.
Ann N Y Acad Sci 258:24–47, 1975. Pauling LJ. Case report: lysine/ascorbate-related amelioration of angina pectoris.
J Orthomol Med 6:144–146, 1991.
Σάββατο 28 Νοεμβρίου 2009
Η Zάχαρη προκαλεί πρόωρο θάνατο στα σκουλήκια!
Ένα εντυπωσιακό πείραμα που δημοσιεύτηκε στο επιστημονικό περιοδικό Cellular Metabolism (Κυτταρικός Μεταβολισμός), αναφέρει ότι η διάρκεια ζωής των σκουληκιών μειώθηκε κατά 20% όταν προστέθηκε ζάχαρη σε ελάχιστη ποσότητα (2%) στη διατροφή τους!
Οι ερευνητές αναφέρουν ότι αυτή η εντυπωσιακή επίδραση της ζάχαρης στη διάρκεια ζωής, οφείλεται στη διαταραχή που προκαλείται στους μεταβολικούς μηχανισμούς της ινσουλίνης. Μεταβολικοί μηχανισμοί είναι οι διαδικασίες που κάθε οργανισμός χρησιμοποιεί ώστε να μετατρέψει τη τροφή του σε ενέργεια.
Παρά το γεγονός ότι τα ευρήματα αναφέρονται σε σκουλήκια, είναι γνωστό ότι υπάρχουν πολλές ομοιότητες μεταξύ των μεταβολικών οδών δράσης της ινσουλίνης στον άνθρωπο και στα σκουλήκια.
Η ινσουλίνη είναι μια από τις πιο αρχέγονες ορμόνες και τη βρίσκουμε σε μονοκύτταρους οργανισμούς αλλά και στο πολύπλοκο ανθρώπινο σώμα. Αυτοί οι βασικοί μηχανισμοί έχουν υποστεί πολύ μικρές αλλαγές κατά τη διάρκεια της εξέλιξης.
Τα παραπάνω δεδομένα ήταν γνωστά στους ερευνητές εδώ και αρκετά χρόνια, είναι όμως η πρώτη φορά που δημοσιεύονται επίσημα σε επιστημονικό περιοδικό.
Τη δεκαετία του ’90 ανακαλύψαμε μηχανισμούς που μπορούσαν να διπλασιάσουν τη διάρκεια ζωής των σκουληκιών αναφέρει η Σύνθια Κένυον του Πανεπιστημίου της Καλιφόρνια. Όλοι αυτοί η μηχανισμοί επηρέαζαν τη δράση της ινσουλίνης.
Είναι ενδιαφέρον ότι η συγκεκριμένη ερευνήτρια, εδώ και αρκετά χρόνια, από τότε που άρχισε να παρατηρεί τα παραπάνω δεδομένα σχετικά με τη ζάχαρη, άλλαξε ριζικά τη διατροφή της, αφαίρεσε τη ζάχαρη και μείωσε την κατανάλωση τροφών που μετατρέπονται άμεσα σε ζάχαρη μέσα στο σώμα.
Μελέτες σε υπεραιωνόβιους
Υπάρχουν τρεις μεγάλες μελέτες που έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί σε άτομα που ξεπέρασαν τα 100 χρόνια ζωής. Το άτομο που έχει καταγραφεί ότι έχει ζήσει περισσότερο στη σύγχρονη εποχή ήταν η Ζαν Καλουμέτ, μια Γαλλίδα που έφτασε στην ηλικία των 122 ετών, η οποία κάπνιζε και έπινε όλη της τη ζωή.
Αυτό που εντοπίζουν οι ερευνητές σε όλες αυτές τις μελέτες είναι ότι όλοι αυτοί οι άνθρωποι είχαν ελάχιστα κοινά μεταξύ τους. Άλλοι είχαν υψηλή χοληστερίνη, άλλοι χαμηλή, άλλοι έκαναν άσκηση ενώ άλλοι όχι, κάποιοι κάπνιζαν και κάποιοι όχι.
Αυτό όμως που είχαν κοινό όλοι τους ήταν το γεγονός ότι είχαν χαμηλά επίπεδα ζαχάρου και τριγλυκεριδίων για την ηλικία τους.
Και, όλοι είχαν χαμηλά επίπεδα ινσουλίνης.
Τι μπορούμε να κάνουμε
Πρέπει να μειώσουμε τους επεξεργασμένους υδατάνθρακες. Αν μπούμε σε ένα σουπερμάρκετ, το 80% των τροφών είναι επεξεργασμένοι υδατάνθρακες συσκευασμένοι σε διαφορετικά πακέτα, χρώματα και ενισχυτικά γεύσης.
Θα ήταν λάθος να μειώσουμε όλους τους υδατάνθρακες, όπως αναφέρεται σε πολλές δίαιτες. Το βασικότερο πρόβλημα στη διατροφή του σύγχρονου ανθρώπου είναι τροφές που περιέχουν μεγάλη ποσότητα ζάχαρης ή μετατρέπονται σε ζάχαρη.
Φρέσκα λαχανικά, ωμοί ξηροί καρποί, φρούτα που περιέχουν λίγη ζάχαρη όπως αχλάδια, μήλα και γενικά μη επεξεργασμένοι υδατάνθρακες, βοηθούν στη σωστή λειτουργία του ορμονικού μας συστήματος.
Αντιοξειδωτικά όπως το
• Άλφα Λιποϊκό Οξύ,
• μια ισχυρή πολυβιταμίνη και
• βέλτιστα επίπεδα της βιταμίνης D
μπορούν να μειώσουν σημαντικά τα επίπεδα της ινσουλίνης στο σώμα μας.
Ιδιαίτερα τη συγκεκριμένη περίοδο με την έξαρση της γρίπης, είναι ζωτικής σημασίας να διατηρούμε χαμηλά επίπεδα ινσουλίνης (βλ. προηγούμενο άρθρο) για να μειώσουμε τη πιθανότητα να αρρωστήσουμε από κάποιον ιό.
Διατηρήστε ψηλά τη διάθεση σας, χαμηλά την ινσουλίνη σας και κάντε κάθε μέρα ένα, έστω μικρό βήμα, για καλύτερη υγεία.
Στην Υγειά Σας!
Dr. Δημήτρης Τσουκαλάς
Γεν. Δ/ντης Detox Center
Διδάκτωρ Πανεπιστημίου UNI.NA. Federico II
American Obesity Society
American Academy of Detoxification Specialists
Παρασκευή 20 Νοεμβρίου 2009
No surprises here: Yale study says sugary breakfast cereals are bad for your kids (and for you)
No surprises here: Yale study says sugary breakfast cereals are bad for your kids (and for you)
01:51 PM PT, Oct 29 2009
The Yale study of the nutritional value -- or lack thereof -- of breakfast cereals has gained traction in the blogosphere where one writer, responding to the report, declared sugary breakfast cereals to be "child abuse in a bowl." Harsh words, or deserved criticism? We'll go with the latter considering that breakfast cereals average three whopping teaspoons of sugar per serving!
The most egregious sugar-laden offenders lurking in the cereal aisle are Reese’s Puffs, Corn Pops, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Cap’n Crunch, Trix, Froot Loops, Fruity and Cocoa Pebbles, Cocoa Puffs, and Cookie Crisp.
The study also found that the least healthy breakfast cereals were the ones marketed most aggressively at children and that kids opting for the cereals highest in sugar content tend to eat twice as much cereal as kids who go for the healthier varieties.
The best cereal for you is Kashi's 7 Whole Grains Puffs, but as any nutrition specialist will tell you, the best breakfast of all is good old fashioned oatmeal, which can lower cholesterol levels nearly as quickly as some prescription medicines (and with zero side-effects).
Tami Dennis has the take-away on the report at Booster Shot.
--Richard Metzger
Photo credit: Carolyn Kaster / Associated Press
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October 29, 2009 in Health | Permalink | Share
Σάββατο 31 Οκτωβρίου 2009
Is the Recession Making Us Fat?
filed under: diet logic
Here's the lowdown on how the economy is making us fat, and what you can do for yourself to fix it.
J.J. Virgin: Ready to hear the latest scary health statistic? A recent Gallup poll shows that the average BMI (body mass index) in the U.S. increased from 25.1 to 26.8, comparing data from the first quarter of last year to the same time period in '09. So what in the world could be causing such a huge jump in only one year?
One conclusion that cannot be ignored is the crazy economic climate over the past 12 months. I'm guessing many of you know at least one depressing story of job or financial loss, or a mortgage nightmare. Heck, I'm guessing the recession has hit your pocketbook, too. So here's the lowdown on how the economy is making us fat, and what you can do for yourself to fix it:
Increased Stress
Let's face it, all of us have stress in our lives. But excessive stress whacks our cortisol levels and increases our ability to store fat around our waists. And then, to top it off, high stress levels raise the set point necessary to burn off the fat! Constant worry also lowers serotonin production, which increases the desire to consume sugar and carbs in the form of comfort foods.
What you can do: Exercise! Studies show that yoga, tai chi, and other calming movements lower stress hormones. High intensity interval training (a.k.a., bursting) also helps the body handle stress better and, in the long run, can have a healing effect on the adrenals.
30% of Americans say that they are not sleeping well due to the economy (by the way, I believe that lack of sleep is becoming the number-one health concern in our nation!). Production of hormones ghrelin and leptin are hugely impacted by adequate amounts of sleep. Without proper sleep to regulate these hormones, hunger signals go haywire, causing us to overeat. Lack of sleep directly causes insulin resistance, too, which makes us better at storing fat and, if left unchecked, can also lead to diabetes. Oh yeah, and who feels like exercising after a restless night followed by a low-energy day?
What you can do: Now, more than ever, is the time to focus on getting seven to nine hours of quality, uninterrupted sleep each night. Turn off the TV and PC a couple hours before bedtime, soak in warm baths with lavender oil, sip a cup of warm chamomile tea at night. These simple steps can work wonders to help you wind down and shut off your brain at night!
Gallup studies also reveal that less than half of us are getting fewer than three days of 30 minutes of exercise a week -- and I really wonder how many are getting none at all! The culprit here is lack of motivation. I'm guessing that if your bank account is tanking, it's really tough to gather up the enthusiasm to head to the gym each morning.
What you can do: Enlist the support of a coach or friend! A partner in your efforts can help you pull out of your hole and boost your social time, another proven key to higher well-being. She will hold you accountable, and make sure you are slowly, but surely, making good on your promises. Not only will your overall feelings of apathy subside, you'll get healthy and fit in the process, too!
JJ Virgin JJ Virgin, PhD, CNS is a celebrity health and nutrition expert, author, public speaker and media personality. She is internationally recognized as the creator of the Weight Loss Resistance Revolution™ and trains other health care professionals in her program. JJ is the President of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, nanp.org.
Read more: http://www.momlogic.com/2009/08/is_the_recession_making_us_fat.php?adid=is_the_recession_making_us_fat_sphere_momlogic#ixzz0VZrdGo8a
Σάββατο 3 Οκτωβρίου 2009
Παράταση ζωής κατά 20% Mοριακό «ελιξήριο της νεότητας» μιμείται τα οφέλη της δίαιτας http://www.in.gr/news/article.asp?lngEntityID=1059945&lngDtrID=2
Μια γενετική τροποποίηση που μιμείται την επίδραση της αυστηρής δίαιτας χαρίζει υγεία και χρόνια στα ποντίκια εργαστηρίου, ανακοίνωσαν Βρετανοί γενετιστές, οι οποίοι μάλιστα εκτιμούν ότι «δεν απέχουμε πολύ από θεραπείες κατά της γήρανσης».
Τα ευρήματα της μελέτης, που δημοσιεύονται στο κορυφαίο αμερικανικό περιοδικό Science, θα μπορούσαν να αξιοποιηθούν και στον άνθρωπο, δεδομένου ότι υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα φάρμακα που μιμούνται τη δράση της συγκεκριμένης γενετικής τροποποίησης.
Οι ερευνητές απενεργοποίησαν το γονίδιο που απαιτείται για τη σύνθεση της Κινάσης 1 S6, ενός ενζύμου που βοηθά το μεταβολισμό να προσαρμοστεί σε αλλαγές στην πρόσληψη τροφής. Η γενετική αυτή παρέμβαση βρέθηκε να μιμείται τα οφέλη της δραστικής δίαιτας, ειδικά στα θηλυκά πειραματόζωα, τα οποία έζησαν 20% περισσότερο από το κανονικό. Τα αρσενικά, αν και δεν κέρδισαν χρόνια, ήταν τουλάχιστον ασυνήθιστα υγιή.
Από τη δεκαετία του 1930, οι επιστήμονες γνωρίζουν ότι ο αυστηρός περιορισμός των θερμίδων παρατείνει εντυπωσιακά τη ζωή διαφόρων οργανισμών, από τα σκουλήκια και τις μύγες μέχρι τα ποντίκια. Πρόσφατα δεδομένα δείχνουν ότι ο θερμιδικός περιορισμός, σε μια δίαιτα που προσφέρει όμως όλα απαραίτητα θρεπτικά συστατικά, παρατείνει κατά 40% τη ζωή και σε πιθήκους, πιθανότατα και στον άνθρωπο.
Το ίδιο μπορεί να γίνει και με φάρμακα, δείχνει η νέα μελέτη. «Τα ποντίκια έζησαν περισσότερο και είχαν λιγότερο σωματικό λίπος. ήταν πιο δραστήρια και γενικά πιο υγιή σε σχέση με την ομάδα ελέγχου. Προσθέσαμε τόση 'ζωή στα χρόνια τους' όσο και 'χρόνια στη ζωή τους'» σχολιάζει ο καθηγητής Ντόμινικ Ουίδερς, επικεφαλής των πειραμάτων στο Πανεπιστημιακό Κολέγιο του Λονδίνου.
Ακόμα όταν έφτασαν στη μέση ηλικία, τα πειραματόζωα της μελέτης, ιδιαίτερα τα θηλυκά, ήταν πιο αδύνατα, προστατευμένα από το σακχαρώδη διαβήτη, είχαν ισχυρότερα οστά και ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα και πέτυχαν καλύτερες επιδόσεις σε τεστ κινητικότητας.
«Ξαφνικά βρισκόμαστε πολύ πιο κοντά από ό,τι νομίζαμε σε θεραπείες κατά της γήρανσης» προσθέτει ο Ντέιβιντ Τζεμς, επίσης μέλος της ερευνητικής ομάδας.
Η απενεργοποίηση της Κινάσης 1 S6, την οποία δοκίμασαν οι ερευνητές, ενεργοποιεί με τη σειρά της ένα δεύτερο μόριο, το AMPK, το οποίο φροντίζει να ανεβάζει τα επίπεδα ενέργειας στα κύτταρα κάτω από συνθήκες νηστείας.
Το AMPK ενεργοποιείται επίσης με το φάρμακο metmorfin, που χρησιμοποιείται ευρέως ως αντιδιαβητικό, ενώ την επίδραση του θερμιδικού περιορισμού φαίνεται να μιμείται η ουσία ρεσβερατρόλη του κόκκινου κρασιού.
Newsroom ΔΟΛ
Σάββατο 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009
Success Is Yours If You Want It.
Success or failure is up to you.
You control how lucky you are.
You create your wealth with your effort.
There are no age limits on when you can transform your life.
Change is possible at any time.
It is essential if you want to grow.
The doubts you'll experience along the way are part of life.
Make a plan to attain your success and stick to it.
Your life is a marathon, not a short sprint.
Accept total responsibility for your actions
and remove "QUIT" from your vocabulary.
Decide you want success and it can be yours.
Success is always your choice.
© Copyright 2008 www.yourdailymotivation.com
Reproduce freely but maintain Copyright notice .
Πέμπτη 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009
Φίλοι και γνωστοί επηρεάζουν πόσο τρώμε, επιβεβαιώνουν ψυχολόγοι
Οι κακές παρέες στο τραπέζι αυξάνουν την όρεξη
Η παχυσαρκία εξαρτάται και από την παρέα στο τραπέζι, επιβεβαιώνει πείραμα στη Νέα Υόρκη. Τα παιδιά της μελέτης έτρωγαν περισσότερο όταν έτρωγαν με έναν φίλο αντί με έναν άγνωστο, ειδικά αν ήταν υπέρβαρα και έτρωγαν με έναν επίσης υπέρβαρο φίλο.
Συνολικά 130 παιδιά 9 έως 15 ετών κλήθηκαν να καταναλώσουν όσο φαγητό ήθελαν, παρέα είτε με κάποιον φίλο είτε με κάποιον άγνωστο συνομίλικό τους.
Όλα τα παιδιά έτειναν να τρώνε περισσότερο όταν είχαν παρέα ένα φίλο. Το φαινόμενο όμως ήταν πιο έντονο όταν υπέρβαρα παιδιά σχημάτιζαν ζευγάρια με επίσης υπέρβαρους φίλους. Στην περίπτωση αυτή κατανάλωναν κατά μέσο όρο 300 θερμίδες περισσότερο από ό,τι αν έτρωγαν παρέα με αδύνατους φίλους.
Εκτός από το βάρος του συνδαιτημόνα, ένας άλλος παράγοντας που επηρέζε την κατανάλωση φαγητού ήταν η ίδια η φιλία, αναφέρει το περιοδικό Time. Τα υπέρβαρα παιδιά που έτρωγαν με υπέρβαρους φίλους κατανάλωναν 250 θερμίδες περισσότερο από ό,τι αν έτρωγαν με υπέρβαρους αγνώστους.
Η έρευνα, με επικεφαλής την κλινική ψυχολόγο Σάρα-Τζιν Σάλβι του Πολιτειακού Πανεπιστημίου της Νέας Υόρκης, δημοσιεύτηκε στο τεύχος Αυγούστου του American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Τα αποτελέσματα φαίνεται να επιβεβαιώνουν μια ανάλογη μελέτη που δημοσίευσε το 2007 ο ελληνικής καταγωγής Νικόλας Χριστάκης του Χάρβαρντ. Η μελέτη έδειχνε ότι η πιθανότητα να γίνει παχύσαρκος ένας άνθρωπος αυξάνεται κατά 57% αν ένας φίλος του είναι επίσης παχύσαρκος. Επίσης ο κίνδυνος αυξάνεται κατά 40% από τα παχύσαρκα αδέλφια και κατά 37% από τους παχύσαρκους συζύγους.
Παλαιότερες έρευνες έδειχναν επίσης ότι οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι τρώνε λιγότερο παρουσία αγνώστων και οι γυναίκες τρώνε περισσότερο όταν έχουν συντροφιά άλλες γυναίκες αντί για ελκυστικούς άνδρες.
Newsroom ΔΟΛ
Κυριακή 30 Αυγούστου 2009
What Makes Us Overeat?
* Press Release
* Source: Herbalife Ltd.
* On Wednesday July 29, 2009, 3:26 pm EDT
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Most of us would like to think that we’re in charge of how much we eat. We trust our bodies to tell us when we’re full, and that after we’re done, we have a good sense of how much we’ve eaten.
If only it were true. “Research tells us that subtle cues in our environment can pressure us to dish up more than we need and eat more than we should,” said Luigi Gratton, M.D., vice president of medical affairs at Herbalife. “Larger plates – even larger serving utensils – can prompt over-consumption.” In a self-serve ice cream experiment1, people given large bowls and scoops doled out 57 percent more ice cream than those given smaller dishes and serving utensils.
So, how much we’re going to eat is generally decided before we even take that first mouthful. The reality is we pretty much eat whatever we’re served – whether it’s a little or a lot. From a supersized fast-food meal to a dainty portion in an upscale restaurant, we’re generally satisfied as long as we’ve polished off every morsel. Rather than letting our stomachs decide, we let an empty plate signal an end to the meal.
Controlling how much you put on your plate really becomes the first step in controlling how much you put in your stomach. But other cues can trigger overeating, too. Just smelling or seeing food – anything from the smell of fresh-baked bread to the sight of stale donuts in the company lunchroom – can trigger your desire to eat, even if you’re not hungry. Here are some ways to take charge:
* Think spoon, not shovel - It’s an old trick, but it really works - using smaller plates and tall, skinny glasses gives the illusion that there is more food on the dish and more to drink in the glass. Smaller serving utensils help keep you from loading up, too – think spoon, rather than shovel.
* Single-serving sizes - As serving containers get larger, so do portions. Those huge bargain-priced cereal boxes may be leaner on your wallet, but studies show you’ll pour yourself a lot more cereal – as much as 20 percent more – than you would from a regular-sized package. Go for the single-serving sizes.
* Out-of-reach sweets - Make it inconvenient to eat the unhealthy stuff. You may not make the effort to bake brownies from scratch when the mood strikes, but if you keep the microwavable version around you’ll have to constantly fight the urge. Get the candy dish off your desk and the cookie jar off the counter – set out a bowl of fruit instead.
* Mix it up, but not too much - Studies show that the more variety on your plate, the more you’ll eat – all that stimulation keeps your taste buds in high gear. An array of low-cal fruits and veggies is fine, but when faced with a buffet or a dinner served family-style, limit yourself to just a couple of items on your plate at one time.
* Shake it up - Try a protein shake for breakfast or lunch. Made from a set amount of milk, protein powder and fruit, it’s a natural when it comes to portion control. Add some ice cubes, and whip it up to increase the volume without adding calories – and enjoy from a tall glass.
1Wansink, Brian, Koert van Ittersum, and James E. Painter (2006), “Ice Cream Illusions: Bowl Size, Spoon Size, and Self-Served Portion Sizes,” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 31:3 (September), 240–243.
Παρασκευή 14 Αυγούστου 2009
Οι γυναίκες τρώνε λιγότερο όταν είναι μαζί με άνδρες!!
Οι γυναίκες τρώνε λιγότερο όταν είναι μαζί με άνδρες, σύμφωνα με έρευνα
Οι γυναίκες επιλέγουν να τρώνε λιγότερο για να μεταφέρουν το μήνυμα ότι νοιάζονται για τη σιλουέτα τους
Αν είστε γυναίκα και τρώτε παρέα με έναν άνδρα, τότε είναι πιο πιθανό να επιλέξετε κάποιο φαγητό με λιγότερες θερμίδες. Αν όμως γευματίζετε μαζί με άλλη γυναίκα -ή ακόμα χειρότερα με μεγάλη παρέα γυναικών!- έχετε περισσότερες πιθανότητες να λάβετε περισσότερες θερμίδες, σύμφωνα με μια νέα επιστημονική έρευνα.
Η μελέτη έγινε από ερευνητές με επικεφαλής την Μέρεντιθ Γιανγκ του Τμήματος Ψυχολογίας, Νευροεπιστήμης και Συμπεριφοράς του καναδικού πανεπιστημίου ΜακΜάστερ και δημοσιεύτηκε στο διεθνές επιστημονικό περιοδικό «Appetite» (Όρεξη).
Η έρευνα παρατήρησε σε πραγματικές συνθήκες (εστιατόρια, καφετέριες κ.λπ.) τι παραγγέλνουν οι άνθρωποι ανάλογα με την παρέα που κάθονται μαζί. Διαπιστώθηκε έτσι ότι το τι θα διαλέξει να παραγγείλει κάποιος ή κάποια, επηρεάζεται σημαντικά από την παρέα που έχει και από το αν οι συνδαιτημόνες είναι άνδρες ή γυναίκες.
Οι γυναίκες που τρώνε με ανδρική παρέα, έχουν μάλλον αυξημένες πιθανότητες να αδυνατήσουν, αφού γενικά παραγγέλνουν φαγητά με χαμηλότερες θερμίδες κατά μέσο όρο, σε σχέση με τις γυναίκες που τρώνε παρέα με άλλη γυναίκα.
Όπως διαπιστώθηκε, η κατανάλωση θερμίδων εξαρτάται στενά από το πόσοι άνδρες υπάρχουν στην παρέα. Όταν οι γυναίκες τρώνε σε μια μικτή παρέα (με άνδρες και άλλες γυναίκες μαζί), τότε όσο πιο πολλοί άνδρες υπάρχουν στην παρέα, τόσο περισσότερο οι γυναίκες παραγγέλνουν φαγητά με λιγότερες θερμίδες.
Όταν οι γυναίκες τρώνε παρέα μόνο με άλλες γυναίκες, τότε το φαγητό που διαλέγουν, είναι πιο παχυντικό (άρα οι γυναικοπαρέες είναι σκέτη καταστροφή από άποχη θερμίδων!).
Σύμφωνα με τους ερευνητές, οι διαπιστώσεις αυτές δεν προκαλούν έκπληξη και πρέπει να εξηγηθούν με βάση την επιθυμία των γυναικών, όταν τρώνε μαζί με άνδρες, να μεταφέρουν στο άλλο φύλο το συνειδητό ή υποσυνείδητο μήνυμα ότι τρώνε λιγότερο και νοιάζονται για τη σιλουέτα τους, ώστε έτσι να φανούν πιο ελκυστικές στα μάτια των ανδρών.
Από την άλλη, σύμφωνα με την έρευνα, οι άνδρες δεν φαίνεται να επηρεάζονται από το εάν τρώνε παρέα με άνδρες ή γυναίκες. Αυτό που θέλουν να φάνε, θα το φάνε και στις δύο περιπτώσεις!
Newsroom ΔΟΛ 15 08 2009
Επιστήμη - Τεχνολογία: Περισσότερες ειδήσεις
Πέμπτη 13 Αυγούστου 2009
Foods That Burn Calories!
By Jennifer Nichol
Eat Foods High in Fiber
Celery and cabbage have long been touted as "calorie burning" foods, simply because the energy used to digest these foods is greater than the energy, or calories, ingested by eating the foods. An added benefit of these foods is that they are fibrous and filling, which means you will feel satisfied faster and on many fewer calories that other food choices. Keep in mind, however, that you don't want your caloric intake to be too low to cause a drop in metabolism. When your metabolism drops, you will retain more weight as the body responds to what it thinks is a period of malnutrition.
Vitamin C is also believed to be a calorie burner and a weight loss booster. Foods that are high in Vitamin C and also high in fiber and low in calories include oranges, tangerines (fresh, not canned), grapefruit (which are 90 percent water!), limes and lemons.
Eat Low-Fat Dairy Products
Recent studies have been pointing to the fact that dieters who eat at least two to three servings of low-fat dairy products a day, like cottage cheese and yogurt, lose weight faster, keep it off longer, and lose more weight in the belly area than dieters who don't include dairy products in their diets.
Easy lunch additions include single-serving sizes of low-fat string cheese, individually wrapped low-fat cheese wedges, milk cartons (not just for elementary school cafeterias anymore) and even fat-free sour cream in place of other condiments.
Choose Foods Rich in B12
Eggs, milk, low-fat cheese and cereals that have been vitamin-enriched are all good sources of vitamin B12. Some sources state that B12 increases the body's fat-burning ability. Every gram of fat equals 9 calories, so when you burn fat, you burn calories, too. Vitamin B12 is also known to fight fatigue and speed up the metabolism, which are benefits that can give a boost to any dieter.
For more about burning up calories and losing weight, check out livestrong.com/eat-well/.
About this Author
Jennifer Nichol has been a contributing editor of food and wine for Inside Roseville Magazine and was editor of Piper Jaffray's eFinance Weekly. A fresh food and healthy living advocate, Nichol is currently writing a book about raw living and the art of meditative exercise
Τετάρτη 12 Αυγούστου 2009
Εσείς τρώτε πρωϊνό;
Εσείς τρώτε πρωϊνό;
Δεν έχεται χρόνο για πρωϊνό ; ΝΑΙ ΟΧΙ
Συχά το πρωϊνό σας είναι μόνο ένας καφές; ΝΑΙ ΟΧΙ
Προτιμάτε να μην τρώτε το πρωί ; ΝΑΙ ΟΧΙ
Νίωθετε να χάνετε την ενέργεια σας
προς το μεσημέρι; ΝΑΙ ΟΧΙ
Νιώθετε την ανάγκη να ‘’τσιμπολογάτε’’
πρίν το γεύμα σας; ΝΑΙ ΟΧΙ
Εάν έχετε απαντήσει ‘’ΝΑΙ’’ τουλάχιστον σε μία από αυτές τις ερωτήσεις .......
, το πρωϊνό σας είνα πιθανό μη ισορροπημένο.
Εμείς σας προτείνουμε την ιδανική λύση!
Formula 1
Θρεπτικό πρωτεϊνούχο ρόφημα
• Υδατάνθρακες για να ξεινήσετε γεμάτοι ενέργεια
• 12 βιταμίνες και 11 μεταλλικά στοιχεία απαραίτητα στον οργανισμό
• Περιέχει όλα τα απαραίτητα θρεπτικά συστατικά για ένα ΄΄πλήρες πρωϊνό΄΄ με λίγες θερμίδες.
• Πρακτικό . Έτοιμο σε ένα μόλις λεπτό....
• Διαθέσιμο σε έξι υπέροχες γεύσεις. Βανίλια , Σοκολάτα , Φράουλα , Τροπικά Φρούτα , Cookies & Cream
Και καπουτσίνο αν σας λείπει ο καφές......
Θέλετε να ξεκινήσετε την ημέρα σας γεμάτοι ενέργεια;
Να νιώθετε πιο χορτάτοι και να αποφεύγετε να τσιμπολογάτε;
Να ελέγξετε το βάρος σας αποτελεσματικά;
Η Herbalife σας προσφέρει ένα πλήρες πρωϊνό στο ποτήρι σας....
Σε σύκριση με τα συνήθη πρωϊνά η Formula 1 προσφέρει στον οργανισμό λιγότερα λιπαρά ,περισσότερη πρωτεϊνη και βιταμίνες.
Πρωϊνό με Formula 1 Σέϊκ
( 1 μερίδα F1 , 250 ml ημιάπαχο γάλα)
12 Βιταμίνες
11 Μεταλλικά Στοιχεία
18,6 γρ Πρωτεϊνης
5,12 γρ Φυτικές Ίνες
15,2 γρ Υδατάνθρακες
*Βασισμένο στην γεύση Cookies & Cream
Μην καθυστερείτε.....
Δοκιμάστε το ιδανικό πρωϊνό σε ένα ποτήρι !
Είναι τόσο απλό.......
Δοκιμάστε μία από τις συνταγές που σας προτείνουμε
2 κουταλιές της σούπας Formula 1 Καπουτσίνο 250 ml ημιάπαχο γάλα ½ μπανάνα
Ο Ανεξάρτητος Συνεργάτης της Herbalife
Μαυροφόρος Δημήτρης 6977 62 8059
Πέμπτη 25 Ιουνίου 2009
Ινδιάνος Τσερόκι και "διατροφή"
του για τη μάχη που γίνεται μέσα στην ψυχή των ανθρώπων. Είπε:
"Γιέ μου, η μάχη γίνεται μεταξύ δυο 'λύκων' που υπάρχουν μέσα σε όλους μας"
Ο ένας είναι το Αρνητικό. - Είναι ο θυμός, η ζήλια, η θλίψη, η
απογοήτευση, η απληστία, η αλαζονία, η αυτολύπηση, η ενοχή,η προσβολή,
η κατωτερότητα,
τα ψέματα, η ματαιοδοξία, η υπεροψία, και το εγώ.
Ο άλλος είναι το Θετικό. - Είναι η χαρά, η ειρήνη, η αγάπη, η ελπίδα,
η ηρεμία, η ταπεινοφροσύνη, η ευγένεια, η φιλανθρωπία, η συμπόνια, η
γενναιοδωρία, η αλήθεια, η ευσπλαχνία και η πίστη στο Θεό.'
Ο εγγονός το σκέφτηκε για ένα λεπτό και μετά ρώτησε τον παππού του:
"Ποιος λύκος νικάει;"
Ο γέρος απάντησε απλά ...............
"Αυτός που ταΐζεις."
Σάββατο 9 Μαΐου 2009
Top up your income with direct selling
May 3, 2009
Top up your income with direct selling
Carly Chynoweth looks at a business that allows you to do as much or as little as you have time for
Hilary Waite spent two decades working in the City as a commodities broker but when she was made redundant last summer she decided to give up the world of six-figure salaries, 12-hour days and long commutes. “I did it for 20 years and I loved it,” said the 44-year-old. “But now I want to spend more time with my children.” Rather than looking for traditional part-time employment, last September Waite, who has four-year-old twins, became one of 400,000 people who sell goods and services to their friends, families and other contacts through the direct-sales industry.
It’s a popular option at the moment, said Richard Berry, director of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), which represents businesses that have signed up to the industry’s code of conduct. “In the past few months we have seen an increase of at least 15% over the same time last year,” he said. He attributed the sector’s popularity to its low start-up costs of between £75 and £100, flexible hours and to sales holding up despite the downturn.
Waite certainly likes the flexible hours. “It’s much easier to fit around the twins,” she said. “I do a lot of work in the evening - you can do some of it while watching telly with a glass of wine.”
She became a distributor for Phoenix cards and stationery because she had bought them from a friend in the past. She is realistic about how much she can make, and how fast. “Financially I am not making as much as in the City because I have not built up the business yet, but there is the opportunity to move forwards,” she said. “It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme by any stretch of the imagination but there is a direct correlation between how hard you work and how much you earn.”
Indeed, anyone thinking of moving into this sector should be wary of companies that offer easy money. “Direct selling is like any business - it requires hard work. There are no r e w a r d s s i m p l y f o r g e t t i n g involved,” said Berry. “Anyone who claims it is possible to earn lots of money just by getting involved is deluded.” The average amount earned by each of the UK’s 400,000 direct sellers - including the many part-timers - is about £1,000-£2,000 a year but the top 20,000 or so earn a substantial full-time income.
Peter Rea is comfortably inside this category. The 45-year-old and his wife, Claire, signed up with Kleeneze, a cleaning-products business, after being made redundant in 1999. After five months they were earning £1,000 a month; today they make about £100,000 a year by selling products direct and by earning a percentage on the products sold by the 400 or so people in their network. (You don’t get paid simply for signing people up - that’s pyramid selling, which is illegal.)
Suzy Major, 36, who was made redundant from Northern Rock last year, is building up her own Avon network. She started with the cosmetics company in February and has already been made a sales leader, which means that she manages eight other representatives as well as looking after her own customers. However, she won’t actually see any of the commission on what she and they sell until the end of the campaign. “I know it’s not about overnight success,” she said.
Some other direct-sales companies use a slightly different model. For example, Waite pays up front for Phoenix’s products then gets the cash, including a profit of about 30%, as soon as she sells them.
Sales are still strong despite the recession. Anna Segatti, president of Avon UK, said that business is good because consumers are still willing to buy small luxuries - a new lipstick, say - even if they are cutting back on holidays and cars. “There is an increase in interest and responses to our advertising campaign, not only in Avon but across the industry,” said Segatti.
That’s more than can be said for Marie Smith’s old industry. The 32-year-old was made redundant in November from her job selling cars to corporate fleet managers. She decided there was little point applying for a new job, partly because of the state of the market and partly because, although she had spent many years working six days a week, she needed a part-time position because of her two children.
She decided to combine a new job as a support assistant at a local school with selling Pampered Chef kitchen equipment. The school job is rewarding, but it doesn’t pay enough to replace her old perks such as having a new car. “It does not pay as well as the other job did but it’s more convenient . . . and Pampered Chef tops up my salary so that I can have a nice new car,” she said.
Amy Carroll is in a similar position. The 25-year-old signed up with Herbalife, a nutrition supplement business, after being made redundant from a job in finance. “I had been at the bank for six years and had worked my way up to team leader, so I was on quite a good salary for my age,” she said. “When I found myself facing redundancy I realised that I would have to take a pay cut of at least £5,000 [to find another job].”
She spent six months working full time on building her Herbalife business while looking for work, and plans to keep it up in her spare time now that she has found a job. “I do want to stay in finance and, even though the money is not anything near what I was on, I was able to take it because I am also earning money through Herbalife,” she said.
Choose a company that sells products that you like and that you believe are fairly priced.
Beware of businesses that promise big returns for little work. High earnings are possible but take a huge effort.
Be wary of companies that require you to make a large investment in stock. Good opportunities should require a very small outlay, typically less than £100.
Get a proper written contract and make sure that you understand it. Check that any opportunities for recruiting other people are legal. Membership of the Direct Selling Association (DSA) is a useful indicator of legal compliance.
Source: DSA.org.uk
Τετάρτη 22 Απριλίου 2009
Is Stress Making You Fat?
* Wednesday April 22, 2009, 4:14 pm EDT
* Herbalife Ltd.
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--There's no shortage of stress these days - worries about jobs, the economy and the stresses of daily life touch us all. But while occasional stress can rev us up to handle what comes our way, too much stress for too long can take its toll on the body.
Stress can tax the body’s immune system and since a healthy immune system depends on a nutrient-rich diet, being well-nourished is one of the best defenses against illness, particularly during times of ongoing stress.
At the same time, stress can lead to fatigue and depression. And when that happens, healthy eating habits often fall by the wayside. It becomes easier to eat what is quick, or comforting. But fast foods and comfort foods are often laden with fat, salt and sugar – hardly the best nutrients to support a healthy body.
“High calorie comfort foods stimulate the release of certain chemicals in the brain that make us feel good – and make us want to keep eating,” says Luigi Gratton, M.D., and vice president of medical affairs at Herbalife. “But it’s a vicious cycle: overeating leads to weight gain - which increases psychological stress that, in turn, leads to more overeating. In addition, excess weight causes physical stress on the body – leading to more weight gain around the waistline which increases health risks.”
If you are well-nourished, your body will be much better equipped to combat stress. While you might not be able to make the stress go away, here are some tips to help manage how you respond to stress:
* Eat balanced meals. Include lean protein – like poultry, egg whites, low-fat dairy, lean meats, fish, or soy products – with each meal. Protein satisfies hunger and also helps keep you mentally alert. Round out your meal with fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Protein shakes are an easy way to have a healthy meal without loading up on unwanted calories.
* Eat regularly and don’t skip meals. When you’re stressed it’s easy to put meals off - or even skip them altogether – but energy levels will suffer as a result. If stress is an appetite-killer, try eating smaller amounts of food more often during the day.
* Try to avoid using food as a stress reducer. A brisk walk or a cup of herbal tea might work instead. If you feel the need to eat, hard crunchy foods help relieve stress by putting tight jaw muscles to work. Try snacking on a handful of almonds, soy nuts or baby carrots.
* Make mealtimes pleasant. Keep meals separate from work or other sources of stress – don’t eat at your desk, or pay bills while you eat dinner. Take a little extra time to slow down and relax while you eat – you’re likely to eat less and enjoy it more.
Κυριακή 5 Απριλίου 2009
The New Mental Diet
By: Brian Tracy
One of the most powerful personal programming activities you can engage in is positive self-talk. Be your own cheerleader and talk to yourself positively all of the time.
Think About Your Dreams
As it happens, the average person talks to himself in a negative way. As much as 94 percent of your inner dialogue tends to be about the things you fear, your worries, the people you're angry at, your problems, your concerns and so on. You have to consciously keep your words, your inner dialogue, consistent with what you wish to accomplish.
The Most Powerful Antidote
Psychologists have proven that the words, "I can do it," are the antidote to the fear of failure that often holds you back from trying. Repeat these words over and over to yourself whenever you feel fearful or doubtful about anything that you want to attempt. Say very enthusiastically to yourself, "I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!" When you start saying, "I can do it, I can do it," you drive that message deep into your subconscious mind. This message lowers your fears and builds your self-confidence.
Make A Million!
Another thing you can say to yourself is, "I make a million. I make a million." Impress that message into your subconscious mind. Whenever you think about your work, say over and over again, "I'm the best, I'm the best, I'm the best." Making any one of these three statements, or anything that is positive makes you feel good about yourself and causes you to be more motivated. You become more focused, more determined. Wealthy, successful people have a continuous inner dialogue that is positive and constructive and uplifting and consistent with their goals and objectives.
Feed Your Mind Continually
Feed your mind from morning to night with words, pictures, information and ideas consistent with your goals for financial success. Develop the habit of thinking positively and confidently about wealth accumulation. Read stories, books and articles about other successful people. Think about how you could be like them. Visualize yourself, imagine, fantasize, pretend in your mind that you are like the kind of people that you admire and respect and want to be like.
Select A Role Model
Psychologists have proven that role models are essential for magnetizing your mind with the qualities and characteristics that you wish to develop in yourself. Pick a person that you admire. Whenever you face any kind of difficult situation, ask yourself, how would this person act in this situation? What would this person do? How would this person behave? You'll find that when you think about how someone you admire might behave, your own thinking becomes better and you tend to act at your very best.
Become An Expert
Read everything you can find about your business. Become an expert in your field. The more you learn about your profession, your trade and your craft, the more confident you will become that you can do well in it.
Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do to put yourself on the new mental diet for financial success:
First, repeat to yourself, over and over again, the wonderful words "I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!" Whenever you are anticipating any new goal or opportunity. This affirmation builds your self-confidence and conditions you for success.
Second, monitor your mental diet the way you would your physical diet. Be sure that you feed yourself throughout the day with positive stories, words, pictures and conversations about the things you want to have in your life. Refuse to read, watch, listen to or discuss things that are negative or depressing. This will make a tremendous difference in how you feel and how you act.
By Brian Tracy.
Τετάρτη 25 Μαρτίου 2009
Εσείς τρώτε πρωϊνό;
Εσείς τρώτε πρωϊνό;
Δεν έχεται χρόνο για πρωϊνό ; ΝΑΙ O ΟΧΙ O
Συχά το πρωϊνό σας είναι μόνο ένας καφές; ΝΑΙ O ΟΧΙ O
Προτιμάτε να μην τρώτε το πρωί ; ΝΑΙ O ΟΧΙ O
Νίωθετε να χάνετε την ενέργεια σας
προς το μεσημέρι; ΝΑΙ O ΟΧΙ O
Νιώθετε την ανάγκη να ‘’τσιμπολογάτε’’
πρίν το γεύμα σας; ΝΑΙ O ΟΧΙ O
Εάν έχετε απαντήσει ‘’ΝΑΙ’’ τουλάχιστον σε μία από αυτές τις ερωτήσεις .......
, το πρωϊνό σας είνα πιθανό μη ισορροπημένο.
Εμείς σας προτείνουμε την ιδανική λύση!
Formula 1
Θρεπτικό πρωτεϊνούχο ρόφημα
• Υδατάνθρακες για να ξεινήσετε γεμάτοι ενέργεια
• 12 βιταμίνες και 11 μεταλλικά στοιχεία απαραίτητα στον οργανισμό
• Περιέχει όλα τα απαραίτητα θρεπτικά συστατικά για ένα ΄΄πλήρες πρωϊνό΄΄ με λίγες θερμίδες.
• Πρακτικό . Έτοιμο σε ένα μόλις λεπτό....
• Διαθέσιμο σε έξι υπέροχες γεύσεις. Βανίλια , Σοκολάτα , Φράουλα , Τροπικά Φρούτα , Cookies & Cream
Και καπουτσίνο αν σας λείπει ο καφές......
Θέλετε να ξεκινήσετε την ημέρα σας γεμάτοι ενέργεια;
Να νιώθετε πιο χορτάτοι και να αποφεύγετε να τσιμπολογάτε;
Να ελέγξετε το βάρος σας αποτελεσματικά;
Η Herbalife σας προσφέρει ένα πλήρες πρωϊνό στο ποτήρι σας....
Σε σύκριση με τα συνήθη πρωϊνά η Formula 1 προσφέρει στον οργανισμό λιγότερα λιπαρά ,περισσότερη πρωτεϊνη και βιταμίνες.
Πρωϊνό με Formula 1 Σέϊκ
( 1 μερίδα F1 , 250 ml ημιάπαχο γάλα)
12 Βιταμίνες
11 Μεταλλικά Στοιχεία
18,6 γρ Πρωτεϊνης
5,12 γρ Φυτικές Ίνες
15,2 γρ Υδατάνθρακες
*Βασισμένο στην γεύση Cookies & Cream
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> 2 κουταλιές της σούπας Formula 1 Καπουτσίνο > 250 ml ημιάπαχο γάλα > ½ μπανάνα
Ο Ανεξάρτητος Συνεργάτης της Herbalife
Μαυροφόρος Δημήτρης 6977 62 8059
Πέμπτη 19 Μαρτίου 2009
Herbalife Protein Shake Proven Effective in Clinical Study
Herbalife Protein Shake Proven Effective in Clinical Study
Thursday March 19, 2:04 pm ET
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Over the past several decades, the United States has seen dramatic increases in the incidence of obesity. But the epidemic is not confined to this country; similar increases are being seen worldwide as other countries adopt Western high-calorie foods and a sedentary lifestyle.
Recent data from the National Statistics Office in Korea, for example, indicate that nearly a third of Koreans – about 10 million people – are overweight, with numbers increasing by about 400,000 annually.
Researchers at the Seoul National University Hospital in Korea recently reported that the use of meal replacements twice daily was an effective strategy for reducing body weight and body fat, and for improving indicators of obesity-related conditions.
The study, published in the February issue of the International Journal of Clinical Practice, followed 75 obese men and women with the metabolic syndrome - a cluster of factors including high blood pressure, a large waist measurement, elevated blood sugar and triglycerides, and low blood levels of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol - for a period of 12 weeks.
All subjects replaced two meals a day with liquid meal replacements (Herbalife Formula 1, Korean formula) but were randomly assigned to consume a diet of either a standard amount of protein – about 15 percent of total calories – or double the amount of protein from a higher protein plan.
At the end of 12 weeks, both groups lost weight and both groups lost weight in the belly area. But, in the subjects who followed the diet most strictly, the people in the high protein group lost more body fat (and less lean body mass) than the people consuming the standard amount of protein.
“These findings indicate that meal replacements are a very valuable strategy for losing weight and body fat,” said Belong Cho, M.D., Ph.D., of the Department of Family Medicine at Seoul National University Hospital and lead researcher on the study. “With the increasing incidence of overweight and obesity in Korea, there is a critical need to find ways to help individuals lose weight and decrease their risk of developing obesity-related disorders such the metabolic syndrome,” he added.
The incidence of the metabolic syndrome in Korea has increased from 18.6 percent to 23.6 percent between 1998 and 2001, paralleling similar increases – from 34.5 percent to 39 percent - over the same time period in the U.S. Dr. Cho added, “We have demonstrated the effectiveness of meal replacements for weight loss, and this approach could have far-reaching benefits in addressing obesity which has become a worldwide problem.”
Cho is a member of Herbalife’s Nutrition Advisory Board (NAB). The NAB is made up of leading experts around the world in the fields of nutrition and health who educate and train Herbalife independent distributors on the principles of nutrition, physical activity and healthy lifestyle.
The NAB is chaired by David Heber, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).
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About Herbalife Ltd.
Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF - News) is a global network marketing company that sells weight-management, nutrition, and personal care products intended to support a healthy lifestyle. Herbalife products are sold in 70 countries through a network of over 1.9 million independent distributors. The company supports the Herbalife Family Foundation and its Casa Herbalife program to bring good nutrition to children. Please visit Herbalife Investor Relations for additional financial information.
Herbalife Ltd.
George Fischer, 310-410-9600
Source: Herbalife Ltd.
Τρίτη 17 Μαρτίου 2009
Study: Being obese can take years off your life
The studies used Body Mass Index (BMI), a measurement that divides a person's weight in kilograms by their height squared in meters to determine obesity. Researchers found that death rates were lowest in people who had a BMI of 23 to 24, on the high side of the normal range.
Health officials generally define overweight people as those with a BMI from 25 to 29, and obese people as those with a BMI above 30.
The study was published online Wednesday in the medical journal, Lancet. It was paid for by Britain's Medical Research Council, the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK and others.
"If you are heading towards obesity, it may be a good idea to lose weight," said Sir Richard Peto, the study's main statistician and a professor at Oxford University.
Peto and colleagues found that people who were moderately fat, with a BMI from 30 to 35, lost about three years of life. People who were morbidly fat — those with a BMI above 40 — lost about 10 years off their expected lifespan, similar to the effect of lifelong smoking.
Moderately obese people were 50 percent more likely to die prematurely than normal-weight people, said Gary Whitlock, the Oxford University epidemiologist who led the study.
He said that obese people were also two thirds more likely to die of a heart attack or stroke, and up to four times more likely to die of diabetes, kidney or liver problems. They were one sixth more likely to die of cancer.
"This really emphasizes the importance of weight gain," said Dr. Arne Astrup, a professor of nutrition at the University of Copenhagen who was not linked to the Lancet study. "Even a small increase in your BMI is enough to increase your risks for cardiovascular disease and cancer."
Previous studies have found that death rates increase both above and below a normal BMI score, and that people who are moderately overweight live longer than underweight or normal-weight people.
Other experts said that because the papers used in the study mostly started between 1975 and 1985, their conclusions were not as relevant today.
Astrup worried that rising obesity rates may reverse the steep drops in heart disease seen in the West.
"Obesity is the new dark horse for public health officials," he said. "People need to be aware of the risks they're taking when they gain weight."
On the Net:
Δευτέρα 16 Μαρτίου 2009
Top Ten Healthy Vending Snacks*
2. CLIF Kid Organic Z Bar, Peanut Butter
3. Quaker Oatmeal To Go for Kids, Apple Cinnamon
4. NutriPals Snack Bars, Peanut Butter Chocolate
5. Herbalife Protein Bar, Chocolate Fudge
6. Power Bar Pria Complete Nutrition Bar, Chocolate Peanut Butter Crisp
7. VitaMuffin VitaTops (all flavors)
8. Solo Nutrition Bar, Chocolate Charger and Mint Mania
9. South Beach Living Cereal Bars, Peanut Butter, Cinnamon Raisin, Cranberry Almond, Maple Nut, Chocolate
10. South Beach Living Snack Bar Delights, Chocolate Raspberry
• Based on current data as submitted by snack food manufacturers and distributors.
• http://www.snackwise.org/home.cfm
Κυριακή 8 Μαρτίου 2009
“Πρωινό βασισμένο σε υδατάνθρακες”
Το πρωί οι απλοί υδατάνθρακες (δημητριακά με γλυκαντικές ουσίες, λευκό ψωμί,
τοστ, κλπ.) προκαλούν άμεση άνοδο των επιπέδων σακχάρου λόγω της
προσπάθειας του οργανισμού να εξισορροπήσει την επιπλέον ποσότητα
ζάχαρης. Η ποσότητα ζάχαρης που υπερβαίνει τις ανάγκες του οργανισμού γιαπαραγωγή ενέργειας, μετατρέπεται και αποθηκεύεται σαν λίπος. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι η μείωση των επιπέδων σακχάρου και η ανάγκη για περισσότερους υδατάνθρακες. Στη συνέχεια αυτός ο κύκλος θα επαναληφθεί 2-3 φορές ακόμα κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας. Αυτός ο φαύλος κύκλος αποτελεί έναν από τους λόγους πρόκλησης επιπλέον βάρους.
“Παρακάμπτοντας το Πρωινό”
Όταν δε παίρνετε πρωινό, πέφτουν τα επίπεδα σακχάρου,
νιώθετε έντονη αίσθηση πείνας και μειωμένη ενέργεια. Και έτσι είστε επιρρεπής στο να καταφύγετε στην κατανάλωση απλών υδατανθράκων για να ανακτήσετε γρήγορα την χαμένη σας ενέργεια. Οι υδατάνθρακες θα ανεβάσουν άμεσα τα επίπεδα σακχάρου σας ως αποτέλεσμα της λειτουργίας του οργανισμού να αντισταθμίσει την επιπλέον ποσότητα ζάχαρης. Η επιπλέον ζάχαρη θα μετατραπεί σε λίπος.
Στη συνέχεια αυτός ο κύκλος θα επαναληφθεί 2-3 φορές ακόμα κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας. Αυτός ο φαύλος κύκλος αποτελεί έναν από τους λόγους πρόκλησης κακής υγείας και επιπλέον βάρους.
Ισορροπημένο Πρωινό βασισμένο σε πρωτεΐνες”
Ένα τέτοιο πρωινό παρέχει στον οργανισμό μας διατροφικά στοιχεία και ενέργεια , χωρίς να ανεβάζει τα επίπεδα σακχάρου.
Βοηθά στην αποφυγή εξάρτησης του οργανισμού σε ζαχαρώδη υδατάνθρακες κατά τη διάρκεια της ημέρας. Με αυτό τον τρόπο, ελέγχεται η αίσθηση της πείνας, η όρεξη για υδατάνθρακες (σνακ,σοκολάτα, γλυκά, αναψυκτικά κλπ.) εξαλείφεται και ο οργανισμός χρησιμοποιεί ποσότητα από το δικό του λίπος για να παράγει ενέργεια.
Το καλό πρωινό πρέπει να καλύπτει 4 βασικούς παράγοντες:
1. Την αναπλήρωση της ενέργειας που ξοδεύτηκε το τελευταίο 24αωρο.
2. Την αποκατάσταση των υλικών αναδόμησης που χάθηκαν την προηγούμενη νύχτα
3. την αναπλήρωση των υγρών
4. την διατήρηση των επιπέδων ενέργειας σε φυσιολογικά επίπεδα
Κυριακή 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2009
Why you need a Healthy Breakfast
So your body wakes up “empty” in the morning and on behalf of 100 trillion cells begs you, “Hey, give me back all the nutrients, energy and water I spent in the last 24 hours”. What you choose to eat for breakfast can affect your mood, physical and mental performance, weight and your general and long-term health.
Now here is the big question: What did you give your body this morning?
Remember - all our bodies wake up in the morning 'empty' with normal sugar levels. What we decide to eat for breakfast will determine what will happen to our blood sugar level for the rest of the day.
Carbs-Based Breakfast:
In the morning, simple carbohydrates (sugary refined cereals, white breads, toasts, etc.) cause an immediate surge of blood sugar level which results in the body over compensating for the extra sugar load - the excess is converted and stored as fat. The result - a decreased level of blood sugar and a craving for more carbs. This cycle then repeats itself 2-3 more times during the day.
Skipping Breakfast:
When you skip breakfast your blood sugar drops below the normal level. You experience cravings for food and a drop in energy. You are again tempted to revert to simple carbohydrates to achieve a quick surge of energy. Simple carbohydrates will cause an immediate surge of blood sugar level followed by the body compensating for the extra sugar load. Excess sugar turns into fat. Then this cycle repeats itself 2-3 more times during the day again.
These vicious cycles constitutes one of the reasons for the development of other major health challenges and extra weight.
So...Would you like to know what a good breakfast is supposed to be?
The Balanced Breakfast:
Your first meal in the morning should meet these four main criteria:
• Replace the energy (from proteins, carbohydrates & good fats) that was consumed yesterday, when you were active.
• Provide the body with all the nutrients (building blocks - proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals) used during the night.
• Replenish the water stock.
• Maintain the blood sugar level within the normal range preventing you going into craving for "something" to eat!
There are great ideas in numerous publications for a healthy breakfast BUT in today's fast paced world it's not easy to prepare a balanced breakfast that meets the four major criteria for a healthy breakfast if you don't have much time in the morning.
Our suggestion:
1. Hydration with aloe drink to replenish our water stock and to assist the body in self – cleansing action
2. Energy with a delicious instant tea with the antioxidant and thermogenic benefits of green tea and fast-acting botanicals
3. Nutrition with a fabulous milk – shake which is a healthy meal with up to 19 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients in six delicious flavors: vanilla , chocolate , strawberry , tropical fruits , cappuccino and cream & cookies!!
Παρασκευή 16 Ιανουαρίου 2009
Herbalife Dispels Five Myths about Metabolism
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--We often blame ‘slow metabolism’ for our inability to keep our weight under control. But what is metabolism, exactly? And, is there anything we can do to change our metabolic rate?
“Metabolism refers to all the chemical processes that take place in the body in order to sustain life – processes that allow you to breathe, pump blood, keep your brain functioning and extract energy from your food,” says Susan Bowerman, M.S., R.D., C.S.S.D. and a consultant to Herbalife. “Your basal metabolic rate refers to the number of calories your body uses each day, at rest, just to keep all your vital organs functioning.”
The metabolic rate is directly related to your body composition. Every pound of body fat you have burns only about 2 calories a day. But the rest of you – your lean body mass – burns about 14 calories per pound each day. A big portion of your lean body mass is made up of muscle, so one of the best things you can do to boost your metabolic rate is to build up muscle through strength training. And, make sure to take in adequate protein from the diet, which helps to build and maintain lean muscle, too.
Here are the facts surround five myths about metabolism:
Myth: Aging slows your metabolism.
Truth: People do tend to put on weight as they get older – but it’s typically because they tend to exercise less, or less vigorously, than they used to - and that means fewer calories burned per day. As a result, loss of muscle mass can occur which reduces the body’s lean body mass – which results in a slower metabolic rate. Cardiovascular exercise to burn calories and strength training to preserve or build up muscle are great defenses against age-related weight gain.
Myth: You’re stuck with the metabolism you have and you can’t change it.
Truth: While it may appear that there are people who eat all the time and never seem to gain, chances are they make healthy, relatively low calorie selections naturally. Many of these “lucky” people also burn more calories simply because they move more - they might fidget more, or get up from their desks frequently during the day to stretch, or walk down the hall to talk to a colleague instead of e-mailing. So, once you’ve made the commitment to boost your metabolism by building more muscle, use those muscles more by moving around frequently throughout the day.
Myth: You burn more calories digesting ice-cold foods and beverages than foods that are room temperature or warmer.
Truth: In a laboratory, very slight increases in calorie burn have been measured in people who drink very cold beverages. But the change is too small (amounting to about 10 more calories burned per day) to have any meaningful impact on weight loss.
Myth: If you cut calories, your metabolic rate will slow down, so what’s the point?
Truth: It is true that your metabolic rate can slow a bit when you cut calories - your body’s natural inclination is to try to conserve calories as best it can. But, these decreases are relatively small, and if you become more active as you lose weight, you can offset these small changes. With a combination of diet AND exercise, you can help to preserve the rate at which your body burns calories.
Myth: If you stop eating at night, when your metabolism is slower, you’ll lose more weight.
Truth: When people lose weight because they stop eating after a certain time of day, it’s only because they’ve cut their overall calorie consumption - not because they are eating their calories earlier in the day. Consuming all your calories before the sun goes down won’t speed up your weight loss unless you also eat fewer calories than you need.